
How Often Should You Clean Your Persian Rug?


Date Posted:

July 21, 2024

Persian rugs are more than just floor coverings; they’re pieces of art, rich in history and cultural
significance. With their intricate designs and high-quality materials, these rugs can be a stunning
investment, often costing anywhere from £100 to thousands of pounds.

To ensure your Persian rug remains a cherished part of your home for generations, it’s crucial to keep it clean and well-maintained. Partnering with a reputable Persian rug cleaning service in London is essential to
preserving its beauty and longevity.

Understanding the Dirt You Can’t See

A common misconception is that a rug only needs cleaning when it looks dirty. This is particularly misleading when it comes to Persian rugs. These rugs, with their thick weave and hand-knotted fibres, are masters at hiding dirt. Their vibrant colours and bold patterns can conceal grime effectively, but this hidden dirt can be harmful over time. Abrasive particles like dry soil and grit can accumulate and damage the rug’s fibres if not regularly cleaned.

Frequency of Professional Cleaning

The ideal cleaning frequency for your Persian rug depends on its location and usage. Here’s a general guideline:

  1. High-Traffic Areas: If your rug is in a busy part of the house, or is frequently walked on by children and pets, professional cleaning is recommended every 6 to 12 months. Address spills and stains as they occur to prevent them from setting in.
  2. Low-Traffic Areas: For rugs placed in less-used spaces, such as a guest room, cleaning every 18 months to 2 years may suffice. However, it’s important to periodically check these rugs for dust accumulation and potential moth damage.

Dust is a silent enemy, encouraging dust mites and degrading the rug’s fibres. Even if a rug is not frequently walked on, it can trap airborne dust particles that need to be removed.

Consulting the Experts

When in doubt, consult with a professional Persian rug cleaning service. They can assess the condition of your rug and recommend a cleaning schedule. This is especially important for antique or heirloom rugs, which may require more delicate care. Additionally, if your rug is under warranty, check the cleaning requirements to ensure you comply with any stipulations to keep the warranty valid.

The Role of Regular Rug Hoovering

Vacuuming is an essential part of maintaining your Persian rug, but it’s not sufficient on its own. Vacuuming removes surface dirt and dust but often misses the deeper particles embedded in the rug. It also doesn’t tackle bacteria, germs, or deep-set stains and odors. Rugs in high-use areas should ideally be vacuumed daily, while those in less trafficked areas can be vacuumed once or twice a week.

DIY Cleaning: A Risky Endeavour

Though there are numerous DIY cleaning tips online, it’s best to avoid them for your Persian rug. These rugs often require specialised cleaning techniques and equipment. Without the proper expertise, you risk damaging the rug or leaving residues that can attract more dirt.

Trust the Professionals

London Carpet Cleaning offers comprehensive Persian rug cleaning services in London for both homes and businesses. Each rug is assessed individually, and the cleaning process is tailored to its specific needs. Using natural, safe solutions and advanced cleaning systems, we ensure that the maximum amount of dirt is removed, leaving your rug looking as beautiful as ever.

Maintaining your Persian rug’s beauty and integrity doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right care and professional cleaning, your rug can continue to be a treasured centrepiece in your home for many years to come.
